Google Cloud IoT

Google Cloud Platform

The Google Cloud Platform brings scale of infrastructure, networking, and a range of storage and analytics products that can be used to make the most of device generated data. It allows you to build and host applications and websites, store data, and analyse data on Google’s scalable infrastructure.

Google Cloud Platform gives you the tools to scale connections, gather and make sense of data, and provide the reliable customer experiences that hardware devices require.

Google divide the IoT architecture into three basic components, the device, gateway, and cloud:


A device includes hardware and software that directly interacts with the world. Devices connect to a network to communicate with each other, or to centralised applications. Devices might be directly or indirectly connected to the Internet. Google handles device management through its Brillo and Weave products, platform partners, and open source.

A gateway enables devices that are not directly connected to the Internet to reach cloud services. The data from each device is sent to the Cloud Platform, where it is processed and combined with data from other devices, and potentially with other business-transactional data.

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